stocktake app

Perform stocktaking on your mobile smart phone or tablet any place, any time

stocktake on the go Stocktake on the Go

The Abcom eProphet is a portable device app that allows you to perform stocktakes on a modern smart phone or tablet and then sync those stock counts recorded in the app back to your store BOS via the internet. There is no need to print out stocktake sheets, just create your stocktake and download it to your device in just seconds

stocktake app quick setup Quick Setup

A eProphet enabled site can get up and running fast. There are no messy user accounts and passwords, simply create a unique PIN for a device that is trusted and then simply enter the PIN for the stocktake to be performed on that device. Once a device is trusted then it can be used for stocktaking until it is disabled in the BOS.

Stocktake data sharing Data Sharing

Should one employee only partially complete a stocktake, they can upload progress so far and another employee with eProphet can download the stocktake in progress and continue work on it.

Stocktake app compatibility Compatibility

The eProphet Stocktake app is designed to run on all modern Apple and Android smart phone and tablet devices.

Stocktake offline operations Offline Operation

eProphet Stocktaking only needs internet access to download latest stocktake data and upload counts, which means you can perform stocktakes in any stocktake location regardless of current internet connection status.

Stocktake  auto save Auto Save

There is no need to manually save after each item is counted; all stocktaking entry is saved to the local device as you go, meaning you won’t lose data if your device runs out of batteries mid count

suite integration Suite Integration

The BOSAPP seamlessly interfaces with the eProphet Stock system, using all your stock counting rules and item setups to calculate stock totals as you go.

Built-in Calculator Built-in Calculator

eProphet stocktake count entry screen includes an additional calculator for performing further arithmetic on the fly and transferring the calculated value to the current count field.

Reduced Chart Of Accounts Reduced Chart Of Accounts (COA)

eProphet Stocktake will run on employee’s smart phones, eliminating the need for additional and expensive specialised stocktaking hardware prone to employee damage and abuse.

NIL Counting NIL Counting

eProphet Stocktake app allows you to flag items as candidates for removal from the stocktake as you go to help improve efficiency in future stocktaking. No further updating is required in item maintenance in the Back of Office (BOS) afterwards to update your next stocktake.

one-device-many-stores One Device, Many Stores

A smart device with the eProphet Stocktake app can be registered with multiple stores, allowing a manager that moves between stores to perform stocktakes for multiple sites with ease.

Stocktake Security & Confidentiality Security & Confidentiality

Abcom systems are built with proven security technology. All BOS system interaction is restricted and logged by user accounts configured by you and only actively registered devices may perform stocktakes via the BOSAPP for your store.

Stocktake quick navigation Quick Navigation

The BOSAPP has been designed with speed of navigation in mind. The user can easily jump forwards and backwards through items and back up from a stocktake location through finger swiping.

stop stocktaking the old way

start stocktaking the fast way


BOSAPP Stocktable App Brochure

Talk to an eProphet Software Systems expert today on

Call (07) 5530 7806 or contact us via our online form



Abcom Support

Remote Support
It is recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer to launch remote support.